If you have an idea for a new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) publication, please come discuss with AAP Publishing staff at our booth in the AAP Resource Center. We want you to #PublishWithAAP. Don't miss exciting opportunities to meet AAP Authors at book signing events at our booth. If you are a current AAP author, please stop by to say hello! Professional & Clinical Publishing - The AAP is the leading publisher of professional and clinical resources for pediatricians and child health professionals. Our publications include essential policy manuals, in-depth clinical handbooks, and quick reference guides on a wide range of topics, including infectious diseases, dermatology, neonatology, behavioral health, signs and symptoms, emergency medicine, hospitalist practice, and many more. The AAP also offers a robust line of coding and other practice management resources. Consumer Publishing (Books for Parents) - The consumer publishing program was created to provide quality educational information for parents and caregivers on a wide variety of health issues. From child care basics, to your child’s symptoms, nutrition, allergies, toilet-training strategies and more, we’ve got it covered for new and current parents! Patient Education Publishing - AAP patient educational publications (print formats and Pediatric Patient Education) have always been considered an extension of the pediatric visit and highly regarded by AAP members as an integral part of their health education efforts. AAP patient education publications are used worldwide to bridge the gap between professional knowledge and patient compliance. Digital Publishing - The Digital Publishing group works at the forefront of digital association publishing to provide high-quality resources for professionals and parents. Our Solutions platform delivers highly sought-after publications such as Pediatric Care Online (see the PCO demo here), Red Book Online, and AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter. The AAP eBooks platform provides online and mobile app access to the AAP Publishing line. We also produce an extensive line of mobile apps, videos, toolkits, and other digital publications. The AAP is committed to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in its publishing program. Editor and author teams are encouraged to actively seek out diverse authors and reviewers at all stages of the editorial process. Publishing staff are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of publication review and production.
AAP Resource Center - Professional & Consumer Publishing
345 Park Blvd
Itasca, IL 60143