Program: Section on Administration and Practice Management
P3.A003: Early identification of developmental delay prevents the child from being school ready and does early intervention improves mental health outcome. Does it allow them to be successful in school and does it help lift their self esteem
Sunday, September 29, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Location: Poster Hall: Hyatt Regency Orlando, Plaza International Ballroom
Background: I developed Pediatric neurodevelopment assessments starting at age 3. years old to identify any developmental delay that may not allow a child to be school ready. With targeted early intervention I was able, within 3 months, to see great improvement. Parents comment on how this has increased their self esteem and the child now wants to go to school. My project is to survey parents and the children 3 months after the intervention and survey whether they feel empowered and that the identification and intervention process allowed them to be successful and did it build self esteem. and allowed them t
Methods: I will have parent an child fill out a survey 3,6,12 months after intervention is given to see if it was beneficial and it what way.